When you need a pick up, you can depend on us to be there!

Please fill in your reservation request from the airport, and a representative will contact you shortly to confirm

*Credit card information is optional & used to hold reservation, you may choose to pay in cash

Please add $10 after 10pm and $20 after 12am to 4am

Contact information:
Full Name:
 * required
 * required
 * required
 * required
 * required
Arrival Date:
 * required
Arrival Airport:

Destination City:

 * required
Flight Time:
 * required
Flight #:
 * required
Number Of Guests:
 * required
Credit Card #:
 * required
Exp Date:
 * required
 3 or 4 Digit Code:

Confirm Travel:

 * required
Anything Else We Should Know:
Comments or Questions:
Best way to contact you:

**All personal Credit Card information is transmitted securely and stays confidential**

city express shuttle fleet

City Express Shuttle Features:

  • Services to and from Oakland, San Jose, and San Francisco
  • Timely pick up & drop off, door-to-door service from your home office or hotel
  • Guaranteed no more than two stops from point of pick up to point of drop off  
  • Special corporate rates and *student discounts *Seasonal 
  • Safe, courteous, clean and reliable drivers
  • Flexibility to handle last minute reservations 
  • Honesty and Integrity with special care to customer satisfaction and quality 
  • Smoke free Environment

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